* Instantiates the class
add_action( 'admin_init', array( 'call_someClass', 'init' ) );
* The Class
class call_someClass {
const LANG = 'exch_lang';
public static function init() {
$class = __CLASS__;
new $class;
public function __construct() {
// Abort if not on the nav-menus.php admin UI page - avoid adding elsewhere
global $pagenow;
if ( 'nav-menus.php' !== $pagenow )
* Adds the meta box container
public function add_some_meta_box(){
,__( 'Example metabox', self::LANG )
,array( $this, 'render_meta_box_content' )
,'nav-menus' // important !!!
,'side' // important, only side seems to work!!!
* Render Meta Box content
public function render_meta_box_content() {
echo '<p>Example text</p>';